Traditional Art
When I didn’t have an iPad, I used Pencils, crayons . . .
A long time ago . . .
. . . in the dusty recesses of my mind, I apparently used pencils, crayons and markers in a vain effort to make arty things. Unfortunately the frustration levels usually left me feeling just a little bit annoyed, plus all that damned cleaning up afterwards. For instance when I wanted to do painting or drawing at my Nan’s house, she used to place so much paper down around me, I wondered if she was preparing for a murder scene.
Most of my artwork is scattered to the four winds, but if I find anything interesting I’ll be sure to scan it and add it to the gallery. Maybe as I get older, I might perform some kind of reversal as I find that the grass was not greener on the other side of the digital fence and start drawing again, who knows . . .